Terms of References
PEACH Communications Assistant
1. Eastern Indonesia faces significant development challenges. In
terms of investment climate, service delivery, governance and the
local economy, most eastern provinces underperform against the nation
as a whole. Isolation, remoteness, low population density, ethnic and
linguistic diversity, corruption, limited human resource capacity and
conflict have all contributed to the disappointing results of
development efforts in the past.
1. To support local, national and international development actors to
address these challenges, BaKTI has focused on providing platforms for
sharing development knowledge and experience, building bridges and
networks among local reform champions, and supporting these actors to
work together for change. BaKTI has also played a key role in evolving
development approaches that are appropriate and effective for the
1. BaKTI’s goal is ‘improved development in eastern Indonesia’, and
it aims to support development actors to achieve this broad goal
through a focus on four specific objectives:
2. i. Increased collaboration and coordination in
development efforts
3. ii. Increased knowledge exchange and adoption of
good practices
4. iii. Increased opportunities to influence broader
development agendas
5. iv. Local initiatives piloted, expanded and replicated
in eastern Indonesia
6. In pursuit of the second objective, BaKTI has established a
Knowledge Exchange and Adoption Unit to encourage knowledge-based
sustainable development through the exchange of experience,
information, documents and data.
1. The Knowledge Exchange and Adoption Unit is also developing
strategic partnerships with other development projects. Under these
partnerships, it provides specific, tailored services to meet the
knowledge sharing and communications needs of the project partners.
These needs include everything from distributing project updates, to
developing and sharing tools and approaches, to changing attitudes and
behaviors of specific target groups.
1. One of these projects is the World Bank PREM Public Expenditure
Analysis and Capacity Harmonization (PEACH). PEACH trains and
facilitates local universities to produce public expenditure analyses
(PEA), builds awareness among local governments on the challenges, and
helps them to prioritize and address the challenges. PEACH has been
completed in Papua, Gorontalo, and Nusa Tenggara Timur. BaKTI provides
logistical support and office space for the PEACH team, communications
and publishing support, and access to local government and civil
society and community networks established & maintained by BaKTI.
1. To offer better support for the PEACH program BaKTI will recruit a
Communications Assistant to support assist the work on stakeholder
networking and communication for the PEACH program using BaKTI
networks, local knowledge, and facilities. The Communication
Assistant will be part of the Knowledge Exchange Unit of BaKTI.
1. The overall objectives of the position is to:
a) Support the ongoing stakeholder relationship management and
media campaign strategy with all PEACH stakeholders in conjunction
with the work of the PEACH team Makassar and the PEACH Programme
Specialists in each province
Scope of Services
1. The main tasks of the PEACH Communications assistant are to
1. Maintaining contact database and stakeholder mapping per province,
working with the PEACH Programme Assistants in each province to
consolidate field level information related to PEACH stakeholders in
Eastern Indonesia
2. Provide media monitoring recapitulation and highlights from
3. Updating and maintain the content of PFM discussion group in
4. Support Communication strategy designed for BaKTI-PEACH in terms
of administration and procurement process when needed.
5. Support and assist Communication Specialist to ensure the PEACH
and BaKTI teams are kept up to date with information that may have an
impact on the PEACH program.
6. Provide other duties as required.
Location, Duration and Reporting
10. The position is based in Makassar, Indonesia. The assignment will
be until 31 March 2013 with three months’ probation. The opportunity
for extension depends on performance. The PEACH Communications
Assistant will be a member of BaKTI’s Knowledge Exchange Team and
report to Knowledge Exchange Coordinator on a day-to-day basis. The
Communications Assistant will work closely with Communication
The deliverables for this TOR include: Monthly reports against the
batukar info updates and highlights, collection of provincial media
monitoring and updated stakeholder database.
Informasi lengkap di:
Yayasan BaKTI (Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia)
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 26 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan
Ph/Fax: +624113650320-22 / +624113650323
Email: info@bakti.org
Website: http://www.bakti.org, http://www.batukar.info
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